Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin


Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin (rothschildianum x philippinense)

This is a classic primary hybrid. Tall, impressive spikes with 5 or more flowers are produced in the spring and summer. This cross is made with exceptional parents so we expect great quality.

Near blooming size plants in 3.5″ pots.

2 in stock


Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin is a primary hybrid of (rothschildianum x philippinense). It is one on the most highly awarded hybrids by The American Orchid Society. This is because it consistently produces such impressive flowers and is remarkably easy to grow.

This hybrid really gets the best from both of its parents. It is highly recommended for folks who haven’t tried multiflorals before as they are almost ‘fool proof’. Just give them good light and warmth and they will grow rapidly into wonderful specimens. We expect to see some of these bloom in just 3 years from flask. When you consider that its parent Paphiopedilum rothschildianum takes 6 to 8 years to bloom from flask this is quite impressive.

The parents for this cross were Paphiopedilum rothschildianum ‘Alan’s Choice’ x Paphiopedilum philippinense ‘JEM’ AM/AOS. ‘Alan’s Choice’ comes from Orchid Zone breeding and was selected by Alan Koch of Gold Country Orchids as his favorite. It has dark color and wide, down-swept petals making it a natural to pair with philippinense. ‘JEM” is a proven breeder that imparts tremendous vigor and always produces high quality seedlings.

If you’re not sure how to grow your Paphs, just check out our care and feeding page.

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