Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel


Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel (rothschildianum ‘Paradise Island’ x stonei  ‘Paph Paradise’)

One of the finest multifloral primary hybrids. Great form from the roth parent and a bright red pouch from stonei. This cross was made with two of our best parent so it should be a real winner.

Strong seedlings in 3.5″ pots.

1 in stock


Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel is a wonderful primary hybrid of (rothschildianum x stonei). This hybrid really gets the best of both parents. Large, colorful flowers with great color and form. Selective breeding of the parent species has produced larger and more colorful flowers. Using these to make the hybrid means we should see improved color and form in this generation.

Primary hybrids like this are easy to grow and have more vigor than the parent species. Grow these warm and bright like most other multifloral hybrids. Follow our care tips and you can grow like a pro!

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Pot Size