Paphiopedilum Macabre Treasure


Paphiopedilum Macabre Treasure

This cross has just started blooming for us and we have seen some exceptional things. There should be some real winners from this hybrid.

Strong seedlings in 2.25″ pots. We don’t have too many of these so we are only releasing a limited number.

7 in stock

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Paphiopedilum Macabre Treasure is (Hawaiian Treasure x Macabre). Paphiopedilum Macabre has proven to be an outstanding parent, with over 800 total progeny over the years. This cross promises to be another winner, as the first few to bloom have been very impressive. We expect a wide range of colors from this hybrid, with no two the same. A couple of the early bloomers have had remarkably large flowers for the size of the plant.

These are easy to grow, like any other Maudiae type hybrid.