Paphiopedilum Lorraine’s Pride


Paphiopedilum Lorraine’s Pride

Striking vinicolor flowers! These all have some red in their foliage so they should produce burgundy flowers.

Blooming size plants in 3.5″ pots. These are one of our all time best sellers!

1 in stock



Paphiopedilum Lorraine’s Pride is (Satchel’s Legend x Shunan Pride). This hybrid produces wonderful, dark, vinicolor flowers. They are incredibly dark. The other great feature about this hybrid is the beautiful foliage. The plants even look great when they are not in bloom.

Mottled leaf Paphs with red in the foliage usually produce vinicolor flowers. Every one will be different since these are all individual seedlings. Some will be darker, some lighter.

These are easy to grow and flower. Just treat them like other mottled leaf Paphs. Follow our care tips and you can grow your plants like a pro!

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