Paphiopedilum gigantifolium


Paphiopedilum gigantifolium

Unique flowers that have had a tremendous impact on multifloral hybridizing.

These are very close to blooming size plants in 3.5″ pots, they should start to bloom in 2024.

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Paphiopedilum gigantifolium was discovered about 20 years ago in Indonesia. It has distinctive flowers that have made it an excellent parent for new multifloral hybrids. As its name implies it does get fairly large, but there have been some clones that flower on smaller plants. Hopefully breeders will use these to get more manageable plants in the future.

Breeders have also chosen plants that grow and flower easily.

This species comes from relatively shady locations compared to many other multifloral species. Jay’s Internet Orchid Species Encyclopedia has some specific details. They seem to grow well for us along side our Paphiopedilum sanderianum. This greenhouse location has protection from the bright afternoon sun. Otherwise we just treat them like any other multifloral. You can find more details on culture on our care page.

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