Paphiopedilum spicerianum-China strain


Paphiopedilum spicerianum  (China strain)

This is a true spicerianum…not a hybrid. Line bred from a strain imported from China. It may actually be an undescribed variety of the species. These plants stay very compact compared to other forms of spicerianum. They also bloom twice per year.

Blooming size plants in 2″ pots.

4 in stock



Paphiopedilum spicerianum-China strain is a species from India, Burma and Southern China. Its native habitat is dominated by cool winter monsoons and warm, wet summers. There is a substantial difference between summer and winter temperatures. Winter nights can fall into the low 40’s F while summer days can be in the high 80’s. This gives it a broad temperature tolerance so it adapts well to most situations.

This is one of the easiest slipper orchid species to grow. Plants are quite variable depending on where they were found in the range. Some get fairly large while others are very compact. This is a compact strain from China that was line bred by Limrick Orchids in Florida. These are the true spicerianum, not the hybrids that have taken over the market. This is a very compact strain that usually flowers twice per year once established.

This species is not demanding as far as culture goes. We grow them along with our complex hybrids and they thrive. Follow our care tips here and these plants will grow very well.

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