Paphiopedilum (Anita Baby x philippinense)


Paphiopedilum (Anita Baby x philippinense ‘JEM’ AM/AOS)

This hybrid is 50% philippinense, 31% rothschidianum, and 12% anitum…with just a splash of stonei for good measure. We expect these to be along the lines of a very dark St. Swithin. Paph philippinense ‘JEM’ has been a proven breeder in the past and its usual great results here.

Strong seedlings in 3.5″ pots.

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Paphiopedilum (Anita Baby x philippinense) is a new multifloral hybrid with great potential. The philippinense we used (‘JEM’ AM/AOS) has proven to be a wonderful parent for every hybrid it has made. The Anita Baby we used was very dark, with wide segments. This cross should come out similar to a St. Swithin, but it should be much darker.

The plants are very vigorous. They like bright light and warm temperatures, with a well drained potting mix.