Paphiopedilum Tiny Tot


Paphiopedilum Tiny Tot (helenae 4n x Emerald Ring ‘Auxerrois’ AM/AOS)

This promises to be an outstanding teacup hybrid. The double dose of Paph helenae genes means it will be a very compact grower, and the huge Emerald Ring flower means we will have good size. As these are tetraploids they will be an important step for improved teacup breeding.

Strong seedlings in 2″ pots. Our helenae strain is tiny, so these are setting buds for us on very small plants just 18 months out of the lab.

4 in stock


Paphiopedilum Tiny Tot is a cross of (helenae 4n x Emerald Ring). This is a tetraploid teacup hybrid, so it should breed on well with other complex Paphs. This will open up many new possibilities in teacup breeding. Most teacups so far have been diploid or triploid.

These are blooming on very small plants that are only 18 months out of the lab. This promises to be one of the finest teacups we have ever offered!