
Paphiopedilum Super Leopard x mastersianum in bud-FREE SHIPPING

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Paphiopedilum Super Leopard x mastersianum

The pod parent flower for this cross was HUGE. Putting mastersianum onto a spotted Maudiae produces colorful, glossy flowers on tall stems held well above beautiful foliage. The glossy texture makes the flowers longer lasting than typical Maudes. Recommended!

Large, robust IN BUD plants with free shipping!

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Currrently in bud with FREE SHIPPING!

Paphiopedilum Super Leopard x mastersianum is a new slipper hybrid that will have glossy, colorful flowers on tall stems. Paphiopedilum mastersianum is a great parent as it adds glossy texture to the flowers so that last longer. It also provides a nice tall stem to display the flowers well. This hybrid also has attractive foliage.

These are blooming out just as expected…well formed flowers with mastersianum colors, but some have more spots on the petals. Very tall stems and glossy flowers that will last a long time.