Paphiopedilum spicerianum forma burkhardii


Paphiopedilum spicerianum forma burkhardii

The rare green form of the species. A very attractive addition to your collection.

Seedlings in 2.25″ rose pots. Very limited!

Out of stock



Paphiopedilum spicerianum forma burkhardii is a somewhat controversial species. Many ‘experts’ consider it to be a hybrid, but Olaf Gruss forwarded me an article he co-authored in Die Ochidee in 2010 where he described it as a unique form of the species. It is characterized by its green color. The mark in the center of the staminodal shield is different from the typo form of Paphiopedilum spicerianum but they seem consistent from flower to flower. I’m not a taxonomist so I will leave it up to them to fight it out!

This is a cute little species and certainly worth having in your collection for the novelty.