Paphiopedilum (Rainbow Sky x In-Charm Gold)


Paphiopedilum (Rainbow Sky x In-Charm Gold)

This is a cute teacup hybrid that should produce mostly yellow/green flowers with pink pouches and spots. Of course there will be variation as these are seedlings.

Blooming size plants in 3.5″ pots.

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Paphiopedilum (Rainbow Sky x In-Charm Gold) is a teacup hybrid with great potential. Rainbow Sky is (Elfstone x henryanum) and In-Charm Gold is (Emerald Magic x helenae). So we have a plant that is 50% complex and 25% each henryanum and helenae. The result is a very compact plant that should have colorful flowers with pink pouches and spots. Some may come out mostly yellow/green. The photos are something similar to Rainbow Sky as well as the actual In-Charm Gold used to make the cross.

This hybrid is easy to grow and flower, and won’t take up much space in your collection.