Paphiopedilum micranthum var eburneum in bud


Paphiopedilum micranthum var eburneum

This variety differs from the type form of the species as it has a clear white pouch instead of pink. They also grow warmer and flower more easily than the type form.

In bud seedlings in 2.25″ pots.

5 in stock

SKU: 12345-4-1 Categories: ,


Paphiopedilum micranthum var eburneum is a species in the Parvisepalum (Parvi) group. They are found in China on limestone cliffs. The eberneum form has a white pouch, rather than the pink pouch on the type form. They are also grow warmer than the type. You can find more details about this species at Jay’s Internet Orchid Encyclopedia.

This form of micranthum grows and flowers more easily than the type. It does not require as much of a winter chill to set buds. We grow them along with out Maudiae type Paphs. We do give them a better drained potting mix as this species does not like wet feet. Our care page has plenty of cultural tips to help you grow better Paphs.

Additional information

Pot Size

Leaf Span