Paphiopedilum leucochilum


Paphiopedilum leucochilum 

These seedlings are from a sib cross of a dark parent crossed to one with excellent form and wide petals. Some will have very dark pigment. There should be some real winners here!

Near blooming size plants in 2.25″ pots . Not recommended for novice growers due to the warm temperature requirements for this species.

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Paphiopedilum leucochilum is a compact growing species from Thailand. It differs from the closely related Paphiopedilum godefroyae  as it has no spots on the pouch. They were once considered varieties of the same species but they are currently separated.

This species comes from Thailand, where it grows on limestone. Its habitat is very warm. Temperatures seldom drop below 70 F. This can pose a challenge in cultivation as we don’t keep our greenhouses that warm. The use of heat mats is recommended to keep this species warm enough to thrive. We have general Paph care tips here.

Line breeding in Thailand has produced some amazing advances in quality for this species. There are now plants with almost solid color rather than spots and the flowers are much larger than they used to be.