Paphiopedilum appletonianum


Paphiopedilum appletonianum

This is a warm growing species that is very easy to grow…one of the easiest Paphiopedilum species to grow!The flowers are very colorful and make a nice display.

This particular strain has been blooming out with larger and more richly colored flowers than others I have seen. They also seem to bloom any time, rather than just in the spring. What more could you ask for!

5 in stock



Paphiopedilum appletonianum is a small, mottled leaf species with bright pink petaled flowers held on tall stems. The flowers have a unique form which makes them very attractive. This is an intermediate to warm growing species, so it will tolerate cooler nights in the winter months. Treat them like any other mottled leaf Paphiopedilum and they will thrive. Here are some cultural tips.

This is one of the easiest Paphiopedilum species to grow, and its compact size makes it great for those with limited space or for growing under lights. This particular cross has produced flowers that are much more richly colored than other strains we have seen. There will definitely be awards from this group!