Paphiopedilum Doll’s Kobold is a primary hybrid of (charlesworthii x henryanum). One wonderful benefit of primary hybrids is the phenomenon called hybrid vigor. When you cross two species the resulting hybrid is almost always more vigorous than the parents. This is certainly the case here as these plants grow like weeds!
The flowers of this hybrid are somewhat variable, but most show distinct spots on the dorsal and the pink pouch of henryanum. In this case we have a sibling cross. When you cross siblings from a primary hybrid you see a wider range of flower shapes and colors than there were in the primary. That means some of these will look more like henryanum, and some more like charlesworthii.
This is a very easy plant to grow and bloom! We grow these along with our mottled leaf hybrids and our complex hybrids. they do not seem to need any special attention. We have cultural tips here that can help answer any questions you may have about growing your plants.