Paphiopedilum Summer Stardust


Paphiopedilum Summer Stardust (Transdoll x Wellesleyanum)

A unique and exciting new hybrid. We are just releasing a few for now as the rest need to get better established. The yield was fairly low so we will not have huge numbers of these.

Strong seedlings in 2.25″ pots.


3 in stock

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Paphiopedilum Summer Stardust is a cross of (Transdoll x Wellesleyanum). It is a rather unique combination of a multifloral, a sequential and a Brachy. The first to bloom have had 2 flowers per spike. We expect 3-4 flowers on a mature plant. The rothschildianum stripes come through on some, like the one pictured. The flowers are quite variable and expect color breaks on some due to the complex genetics. The best of these will be stunning.

These are easy to grow but our yield was pretty low due to the parentage.