Paphiopedilum Spring Surprise


Paphiopedilum Spring Surprise

This is an attractive hybrid with variable flowers. Some have spots, some don’t. The ‘brainy’ venustum pouch comes through in most of them and they are vigorous growers.

Strong seedlings in 2.25″ pots.

6 in stock



Paphiopedilum Spring Surprise is a cross between (Jacob’s Dream x Jacqueline’s Spring Moon). Jacob’s Dream is 62% venustum, with the rest being sukhakulii and mastersianum. Jacqueline’s Spring Moon is 33% sukhakulii and 33% callosum, with some lawrenceanum and curtisii. The result is a variable hybrid, with some having spots and some without spots. The venustum comes through in the pouch of most of these.

This hybrid is easy to grow and flower.