Paphiopedilum Sierra Sky


Paphiopedilum Sierra Sky (Hawaiian Volcano x venustum)

Another great hybrid from Paph Hawaiian Volcano. The green background color is quite brilliant in some of these and the pink overlay really sets the flower off. A very colorful and compact growing Maudiae hybrid.

Blooming size plants in 2.25″ pots.

3 in stock



Paphiopedilum Sierra Sky is a cross between (Hawaiian Volcano x venustum). That makes it about 62% Paph venustum. Hawaiian Volcano has been an excellent parent for us, and this cross looks like it will be no exception. Bright greens with a pink overlay and that venustum pouch. Some have no spots on the petals, some have a few spots. these are blooming on small plants in 2.25″ pots.

These are very easy to grow and bloom. Moderate light and intermediate to warm temperatures will keep them very happy.