Paphiopedilum Philipp’s Paradise


Paphiopedilum Philipp’s Paradise

This is a very exciting hybrid, with great color and incredible vigor. The twisty philippinense petals are very attractive.

Strong seedlings in 3.5″ pots.

5 in stock


Paphiopedilum Philipp’s Paradise is (Transdoll x philippinense). Transdoll is (rothschildianum x liemianum) so we have a hybrid that is 25% sequential and 75% multifloral. This cross should behave pretty much like a multifloral, with about 4 flowers per inflorescence. We have only seen one bloom so far and it was a pretty small plant.

These are vigorous growers and should be grown like any other multifloral hybrid…warm and bright. We didn’t get a photo of the first one to bloom before the flowers melted down in our crazy summer heat. The flower pictured is Paphiopedilum Booth’s Supersuk, which is a very similar hybrid (Transvaal x philippinense). The one we saw bloom was darker than this example, but you can get the general idea. Photo courtesy of Arthur Pinkers.