Paphiopedilum Tiny Treasure


Paphiopedilum Tiny Treasure (henryanum x Mem. Sandra Pechter Song)

This will be a very cute teacup Paph hybrid that will bloom on very small plants.  We expect pink pouches and plenty of spots! Photo is the very first one to bloom…super compact plant.

Blooming size plants in 2″ pots.

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Paphiopedilum Tiny Treasure is (henryanum x Mem. Sandra Pechter Song) is a teacup Paph hybrid that will bloom on very small plants. Teacups are great for folks with limited space, as they can bloom in a 2″ pot and you can grow a specimen plant in a 4″ pot.

Our Paph Mem. Sandra Pechter Song is the only one from the cross that came out with spots. It seemed like a natural match for Paph henryanum. The flowers should have pink pouches and plenty of spots. These should be really cute!