Paphiopedilum fairrieanum


Paphiopedilum fairrieanum 

This species is a perennial favorite with Paph enthusiasts. We seem to run out of them as fast as we can produce them! These seedlings are from three of our newest crosses. One cross had produced occasional albescent flowers (very few, but they are in there).

These are strong seedlings in 2.25″ pots. This is the ‘type’ form of the species (red stripes).

4 in stock


Paphiopedilum fairrieanum is one of the most popular and sought after species in the genus. Its unique flower form makes it hard to miss. They bloom in the cooler months. They usually start around October and continue through February or March. Some people find these difficult to grow, but they are actually quite easy as long as you provide the right conditions. Then they will form large specimen plants with multiple flowers. When the plant forms large clumps it should never  be divided. This almost always leads to its demise. Let the plant fall apart naturally to get divisions.

We grow these successfully in intermediate conditions. However, they seem tolerant of warmer temperatures in the summer as long as they are kept moist. Paph fairrieanum should never be allowed to dry out completely. If the plant dries out it may never recover. More specific information about its habitat can be found here.

Most Paphiopedilum orchids benefit from annual repotting. This can be done pretty much any time as fresh media seems to perk up the plants and stimulate new root growth. Just follow our specific Paphiopedilum fairrieanum cultural tips here and you will be successful.

Additional information

Pot Size

Leaf Span