About Us
Our history and our passion.
Our History
Owned & operated by David & Stacey Sorokowsky.
It all started with a few orchid seedlings from a ‘big box’ store…
Soon all the windows were full. Then the grow lights went into the spare bedroom, and then the inevitable greenhouse was built. As our collection grew we experimented with different genera, but found that slipper orchids were the most intriguing. After a few years they became our main focus.
We have over 20 years experience growing and breeding top quality orchids with over to 100 AOS and CSA awards. Having been a major customer of the Orchid Zone, we were able to acquire some of the finest plants in the world from them, and now we are using these exceptional orchids to produce our own new and unique breeding lines. After dabbling with hybridizing for a few years, we started setting significant numbers of seed pods in 2013/2014. These seedlings have started blooming in 2017 and we are looking forward to seeing more and more in the coming years.
David is also an AOS accredited judge and noted orchid speaker.
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Our Passion
We are passionate about our orchids. It is very exciting to see the first seedlings from a new hybrid setting buds…plants that we have carefully reared from flasks for years, finally blooming for the first time.
We started small, with a few seedlings from each cross. Now we have started producing quantities of plants that allow us to offer them for sale. Hopefully you will find something that you simply ‘gotta have’!