Goodyera rostellata


Goodyera rostellata

This is a unique form of the species with much more colorful foliage than the typical form. Absolutely stunning in person. These are divisions of the actual mother plant, not mericlones.

Single growth divisions in 2″ pots. Nobody else has these for sale anywhere.

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Goodyera rostellata is a jewel orchid species from Borneo. It was offered to us as Goodyera ustalata but that is a synonym for this species. You can learn more about this species at Jay’s site.

This is a unique form of the species with much more striking foliage. The typical form of this species has the usual jewel orchid veins and patterns. This form has brilliant yellow across the middle of each leaf. It has not been cloned yet…these are divisions of the actual mother plant in the photo. Very new and rare.

Limited to one plant per customer.